Vision of The Gathering at Corona

Mission Statement: Shining the Light that leads to life.

  1. To train and equip the body of Christ for the work and ministry of Jesus Christ through life groups, schools of ministry, prophecy, worship, intercession, evangelism, supernatural, spiritual gifts.
  2. To produce Godly multi-generational leaders bearing the Spirit of the Living God that can be sent out into the harvest and work together in harmony for the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven in other cities, nations and churches.
  3. To effectively evangelize the community and close the gap between the church and non-believers around us through face to face encounters where we can reveal the love and salvation of Christ to the lost and needy.
  4. To disciple believers in continual growth and intimacy in their personal relationship with their heavenly Father through personal devotion and fellowship
  5. To build relationships with churches and ministries in our region and in far off places to establish unity and strength in the body of Christ.
  6. To be a house of truth, love and refuge full of spiritual fathers and mothers that promote change, transformation and restoration by imparting life and true identity into the next generation of believers that are rising up.
  7. To heal, restore and reshape this region and other nations through a unique prophetic and Davidic worship and sound, fasting and intercession that will fight for and birth realities that do not yet exist, and create and atmosphere for fallen leaders to be restored and reengaged in their ministry calls.