Greetings dear brothers and sisters,
Recently my wife and I went up to the apple orchards for time away to rest and refresh.
With the busyness of life, work, and family, my wife and I realized the need to get away and rest. By setting this time aside to get away we were able to commune with one another and draw close together. We were able to have intimate conversations that the normal hustle and bustle of daily life doesn’t afford us. I cannot forget to mention that we were able enjoy the beauty of the Lords handiwork that surrounded us. As we sat looking at the snow-capped mountains, we felt a feeling of safety and contentment, this overwhelming sensation came to us just by being in the presence of the Almighty. We came there with all sorts of thoughts, concerns, feelings, and emotions. Yes, God was truly with us. We were able to talk, laugh, and maybe most importantly even cry together a little. It was truly a time of restoration and healing.
Why do I tell you all this? In the Bible we often see that Jesus went away to rest and find time alone with God in secluded places, such as mountains and deserts. He also taught his disciples it would be wise of them to learn to do the same.
We see in an example of this in Mark, 6:31-32, “And He said to them, ‘come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.’ For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat. So they departed to a deserted place in the boat by themselves.”
You see, even Jesus Himself needed to leave and commune with His Father in fact, He felt it was necessary to do so. So while we continue to do the work of our Father in Heaven, do not forget to take time and rest, to restore your bodies, always allowing the Holy Spirit to refresh and restore your mind, body and spirit. May the Lord give you rest, and restore you this day.
Your brother in Christ,
Aaron Wantuch