Happy New Year to all!
It is such a wonder how quickly time passes us by. Here we are now welcoming in the year 2025! It is so easy during this time of year to forget what is behind us, and to create new goals and refresh our vision for forward movement.
I encourage you all to make it a continual practice to take a look back in the rear-view mirror and remember what God had done for you, and then focus on what lies ahead.
In Psalm 77:11-12 we are encouraged by Asaph’s words, “11 I will remember the works of the Lord; surely I will remember Your wonders of old. 12 I will also meditate on all Your work, and talk of Your deeds.
Whether you have experienced good things, hard things, or a combination of both, we always have reason to praise the Lord. Job reminds us we should accept the good as well as adversity from God (Job 2:10). God is with us in the good times, and He strengthens and carries us through the difficult times.
In fact, it is often in the most difficult circumstances that we discover most, that God is for us. From Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David and Peter we learn from their times of hardship, that God met their every need and they became the better because if it.
We don’t know everything about God, but like these men the course of our lives open the way for God to reveal Himself to us. Every encounter we have with God should leave a lasting impression on our life, one that we can look back on as a reminder, and to encourage us to move forward in the Lord with great confidence.
We see the Israelites continually creating landmarks as a sign for themselves and future generations, to always be reminded of the great works God has performed on behalf of His people. Still, to this day the Jewish people hold traditional holidays because of what God accomplished thousands of years ago in Egypt. God’s work has left a great mark upon the Jewish people and their lives and therefore affected everything that they do as a people.
As we enter this new year I have this very question for us as a church. We have been through many things with God, seen many things with God, gone many places with God. Through all of this has your life been “Marked by God?” Because as we are marked by Him we therefore can reveal Him to others!
In His Service,
Pastor Damian