This is December, the month we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. But let’s take a look back, way back, even before there was a month called December, yes, even before there was a universe, God created both space and time, because before that time, there was no space and there was no time.
But God still had more creation in mind, because He then spoke, and He created the heavens and the earth, and all living things that flew in the air, on the earth, and in the sea. He then looked at all His creation, and He saw that it was good. And in seeing that great creation He desired companionship. He then formed Adam from the dust of the earth, and from the rib of Adam He created Eve, who would become the mother of all mankind, and they were fruitful and multiplied, filling the earth.
But soon thereafter, when He saw the sinfulness of His creation, He sent a flood to destroy all of humanity, save a few. But man seemed to have learned nothing from the flood, so this same God volunteered to come to earth as a man, subject to all the frailties and sufferings of mankind. And this, the greatest gift ever, was soon beaten, scourged, spat upon, and nailed to a cross, taking the just punishment we deserved for our sins.
But this great gift, whose name is Emmanual, Everlasting Father, Redeemer, Almighty God, Yeshua, and Jesus, on the third day rose from the dead, giving us still another even greater gift, the gift of eternal life. That great gift meant that we would never have to stand before a just God and hear the word “Guilty” because he said He would cast our sins from Him and remember them no more. That was a gift we could never earn, all we had to do for this great gift, was to accept Him and His gift, by surrendering our lives to Him and accepting His free gift of salvation.
Although most of His creation still rejects Him, He did all this because of His great love for us, His children. What an amazing God we serve, and He is worthy of all our love, because He is love! We owe Him our everything, because without Him we would have no hope . . . without Him we would have nothing!
Ken Simmons